Ethiopia and Russia

The Ethiopian and Russian historical recorded relationship goes back to 1880s when Cossack adventurer, N.I. AshinovIn and A delegation led by V.F. Mashkov met Emperor Menelik in Ethiopia. Further more Bulatov lived in Ethiopia during King Meneliks time and wrote interesting books about Ethiopia.
In 1895 (during King Menelik’s reign) Leontiev organized a delivery of Russian support for Ethiopia and contributed a lot to the shining Victory of Ethiopia at the Battle of Adwa. Even During communism (the era of USSR) Russians never forgotten Ethiopia.
USSR defended Emperor Haile Selassie/Ethiopia in the League of Nations against the invasions of Fascist Italy. Russians also built some useful institutions, Hospitals, the Assab Refinery etc. Even though the minority Tigres has sold out or destroyed them.

The Russians have also trained tens of thousands of Civil and Military intellectuals however, they are destroyed or miss used by the minority incumbent regime (TPLF) in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church also share common values and Russia always touches the hearts and minds of the Ethiopian people. We can say more about the great relationships between Ethiopia and the Great Russian people.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
The Famous Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was born in Moscow on 6 July 1799. Pushkin is one of the most loved Russian poets and recognised as a father of the modern Russian Literature. When he was child, he was left under the care of peasants Nikita Kozlov and Arina Yakovleva.
Pushkin was a descendant of the old noble family on his father’s side while his mother was a granddaughter of Gannibal, famous Ethiopian prince who had a lot of influence on the emperor Peter the Great.
Alexander Pushkin started writing his poems during his schooling, and after graduation. He was well known in poetic circles. Initially, he was interested in traditional classicism, but later he started writing on manners of romanticism.
Some of Pushkins impressive works are:
*Mozart and Salieri,
*Weeding in the Time of Plague
*Captain’s Daughter
*Dubrovski, Gypsies etc
God bless Ethiopia and Russia! God bless the whole World!