You are all Cordially invited to a Dinner to congratulate and thank the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Third World Solidarity (TWS). The Dinner is to Congratulate Alderman Mushtaq Lasharie on his recent CBE Award from HM the Queen.
We will take this opportunity to thank Mr Dave Anderson MP, Amnesty International, Executive Committee Members of the TWS and other parliamentarians for their support in the struggle of the United Ethiopian People against the serious ongoing Human Rights Violations in Ethiopia.
Now it has been confirmed that the dinner will be served on Saturday 27 May 2017 from 5:30 Pm. Place Ethiopian Community in Britain, Fincheley Road, NW3 6EF, London. Nearest Tube Station Finchley Road.
We also appreciate if you confirm your attendance before the 21 of May as it will help us to manage the dinner, and to secure your space. To reserve your place just send me an email message saying ” I WILL ATTEND”. That is all.
To reserve your Place email to:
See you all on the Above mentioned Date and Time.